
Kid's Pattern Design & Bag-Making Workshop

Sign Up Form

January 2024 Workshop
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Parent/Guardian Name
I confirm that the above children are able attend the following Dates and Times for the workshop:
Please ensure that your child is dropped off on time and picked up according to the times above. PLEASE NOTE: there will be NO workshop hosted on Wednesday 10th January as we will need this time to get all of the children's fabric printed in order to continue with the sewing part of the workshop.
I agree to the following full charge of R1500 per child for the workshop.
This fee includes four days of creative activity and artistic skill development, two hours per day of workshop, 1m of fabric printing per child, all other fabric, art and sewing supplies.
I agree to a deposit of R800 per child up front to secure my child's place at the workshop, with the balance being paid by January 5th 2024 - signups CLOSE on December 31st.
The deposit per child is non-refundable if cancelled within 2 weeks of the workshop. Please send POP to - bank details below.
Permission & Agreement
Indemnity & Liability
I would like to be added to the mailing list.

Bank Details

Account Holder: Robyn Valerie
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62941735097
Brance Code: 250655
Reference: [Name] Workshop
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